News as an Ideological Framework: Comparing US Newspapers' Coverage of Labor Strikes in South Korea and Poland
Author(s) | Lee Junghi, Craig Robert L. |
Year | 1992 |
Language of Investigation | GB |
Studied Language | |
Please cite as follows: |
Lee Junghi, Craig Robert L. (1992). News as an Ideological Framework: Comparing US Newspapers’ Coverage of Labor Strikes in South Korea and Poland. In: Discourse & Society, 3(3), 341–363. |
Discourse analysis comparing US newspapers' news-coverage of Polish and South Korean labor disputes demonstrates some of its ideological aspects. Like Herman and Chomsky's (1988) analyses of other US foreign correspondence, it shows the `us-them' dichotomy and anti-communist filter in operation. The comparison also reveals the pro-management/anti-labor framework that operates in the South Korean case. The authors argue that this framework is the root of the anti-communist filter.