Conflicts in comparison. Scottish and German discursive perspectives on the Scottish independence referendum

Author(s) Mattfeldt Anna
Year 2018
Language of Investigation GB
Studied Language DE, GB
Please cite as follows:

Mattfeldt Anna (2018): Conflicts in comparison. Scottish and German discursive perspectives on the Scottish independence referendum. In: Sylvia Jaworska, Torsten Leuschner (eds.): Anglo-German Discourse Crossings and Contrasts. Amsterdam, pp. 52–74


In a globalised world, national discourses are also perceived and commented on in other countries and languages. This paper focuses on newspaper coverage of the 2014 Scottish independence referendum in both Scotland and Germany, comparing two print media corpora in two languages. The linguistic depiction of the arguments and conflicts in Scottish newspapers is compared to the discussion of Scottish independence in German newspapers. In order to find conflictive ‘hotspots’ in both corpora, adversative and concessive connectors of both languages are taken as a starting point for a comparative conflict-oriented discourse analysis in seven steps. Differences and similarities of the most important conflicting concepts as well as the role of stereotypes and language difference are then compared and discussed.