A comparative analysis of the keyword multicultural(ism) in French, British, German and Italian migration discourse: Discourses about identities in crisis
Author(s) | Schröter Melani, Veniard Marie, Taylor Charlotte, Blätte Andreas |
Year | 2019 |
Language of Investigation | GB |
Studied Language | |
Please cite as follows: |
Schröter Melani, Veniard Marie, Taylor Charlotte, Blätte Andreas (2019): A comparative analysis of the keyword multicultural(ism) in French, British, German and Italian migration discourse. In: Lorella Viola, Andreas Musolff (eds.): Migration and Media: Discourses about identities in crisis. Amsterdam, pp. 13–44 |
This chapter looks into discourses about migration in four European countries through the lens of cultural keywords (cf. Williams 1983; Bennett et al. 2005; Wierzbicka 1997); using Corpus Assisted Discourse Analysis, it compares the use of the keywords multicultural and multiculturalism. The study is based on corpora from British, French, German and Italian newspaper articles covering the time span 1998–2012, collated from one conservative and one left-liberal national newspaper in each language.
Across the languages, the results show that the adjective multicultural is mostly descriptive of a state of affairs, typically without negative evaluation, and that the noun multiculturalism is associated with abstract concepts and points to a more negative discourse prosody, indicated by collocates such as ‘failure’.