Határok, falak és kerítések a migrációról folytatott magyar sajtódiskurzusban 2015-ben (Grenzen, Mauern und Zäune im ungarischen Mediendiskurs über die Migration 2015). 2. rész (Teil 2)
Author(s) | Rada Roberta |
Year | 2023 |
Language of Investigation | HU |
Studied Language | HU |
Please cite as follows: |
Rada Roberta (2023): Határok, falak és kerítések a migrációról folytatott magyar sajtódiskurzusban 2015-ben (Grenzen, Mauern und Zäune im ungarischen Mediendiskurs über die Migration 2015). 2. rész (Teil 2). In: Magyar Nyelv, 119, 1/2023, S. 21-34. https://doi.org/10.18349/MagyarNyelv.2023.1.21 |
Borders between countries and states or passing through them has been a pivotal point in the Hungarian media discourse on migration since 2015. The aim of this study is to reveal, relying primarily on the relevant literature in German linguistics and using linguistic tools, which patterns of knowledge, thinking and values were conveyed on borders and border protection in the Hungarianlanguage press discourse on migration in 2015. The theoretical and methodological background of the study is provided by descriptive linguistic discourse analysis, and the analyses focus on vocabulary units. The research corpus is a thematic, electronic corpus that includes nearly 5 000 online press texts published in Hungary. The quantitative and qualitative analyses carried out on the corpus reveal patterns of language use involving the words határ ‘border’, határkerítés ‘border fence’, and határzár ‘border closure’ in the discourse examined, from which it can be deduced how members of the Hungarian society conceive of the concepts denoted by the words and how they relate to their denotata.